Supplimentary material Tables S2-S4 for Dos Santos et al. 2023
Females of species of Lamproglena von Nordmann, 1832 are parasitic on the gills of teleost fishes and the 38 nominal species are based on mainly morphological data. Only four of these species have been genetically characterised and no mitochondrial data are available for the genus. The present study aimed to provide representative ribosomal DNA (rDNA) data for two additional species of Lamproglena from Africa: Lamproglena clariae Fryer, 1956 and Lamproglena hoi Dippenaar, Luus-Powell et Roux, 2001, alongside mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for these and two other African species, Lamproglena hemprichii von Nordmann, 1832 and Lamproglena monodi Capart, 1944. The four species were collected from Clariidae, Cyprinidae, Alestidae and Cichlidae, respectively. Representative 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA data were obtained for L. clariae and L. hoi, while cox1 mtDNA was obtained for all four species. The respective haplotypes supported the distinctness of all species using all three gene regions investigated. Interestingly, species appeared to be grouped more by geographical origin than host family, with L. hoi more closely related to other African species than to Asian species also collected from cyprinid hosts. Even though the results presented here greatly add to the molecular data available for Lamproglena, there are still 32 (>80%) species for which no genetic data are available. The interpretation of the results presented here is thus preliminary and much more data are required before the phylogeny of this genus, and other members of the family, such as Lernaea Linnaeus, 1758, can be studied appropriately.